Friday, April 30, 2010

Alternate Frame Whatnow?

Alternate frame sequencing is the fancy name for quickly flipping between two images.
In an earlier post I mentioned that I wrote my own alternate frame sequencer that I call the Flipper; unfortunately I gave no explanation on how to use it.
The flipper is currently in beta and thusly is subject to change.
In any case, the current implementation is a web-only version that can be interacted with through the frame-rate slider (along the left edge) and by passing in URL parameters.
The flipper has three parameters it knows about:
  • image1
  • image2
  • fps
The order of the parameters doesn't matter.
image1 and image2 need to be fully qualified URLs to either JPG or PNG assets, while fps is the number of "flips" per second (default is 15).
Fully qualified URLs look like this:
The URL to the flipper is
A full flipper request looks like this:

If no parameters are passed in, it defaults to the pair of images of me in my living room which are the images referenced above.

Click here to open flipper in a new window.